Learning javascript has been a breath of fresh air. Maybe it’s the resources we were told to use (freecodecamp), maybe it’s the format of the class, maybe it’s because I have some experience in coding after having taken java and C/C++. I’m not sure, but I know I am having an easier time learning compared to when I took C/C++ last semester. It might be the resources. I learn best by example and having everything laid out like that helps me learn best. E06 greatly contributed to my understanding of javascript.
Whether or not javascript is a good language to learn depends on the individuals and their goals. Personally I am convinced that javascript is a great programming language to learn because the possibilities with it are endless (web development, games, etc.). Not to mention the ease!
In regards to athletic software engineering, I do find this style of learning stressful, even though I understand its benefits. The most stressful part about it is the time limits. I tend to overthink solutions, which is what makes me take longer than the suggested times. The overall stress deters me from completing the challenge on time. I do think that with practice, I’ll get better at it. The practice WODs are somewhat useful. I would appreciate if they were on the same level of difficulty as the actual WODs.